Diabetes Awareness Month

Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the United States. The good news is that prediabetes and type 2 diabetes are largely preventable by lifestyle change. Today's Episode: 1. Facts about diabetes 2. Lifestyle changes people can make today 3. HealthE 100 Habit Challenge for everyone
Facts about diabetes 
  1. Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the United States (and may be underreported). - CDC
  2. More than 37 million Americans have diabetes (about 1 in 10), and approximately 90-95% of them have type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes most often develops in people over age 45, but more and more children, teens, and young adults are also developing it.
  3. About 9 in 10 cases in the U.S. can be avoided by making lifestyle changes. - Harvard school of public health 
  4. Diabetes is one of the most expensive chronic conditions and is preventable with lifestyle changes
  5. Medical costs for people with diabetes are twice as high as for people who don’t have diabetes. CDC
3 basic metrics to reduce risk
  1. Lose extra weight
  2. Be more active
  3. Eat healthy plant food
if you're a physician looking for some support, schedule a free call with us:
Diabetes Awareness Month
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