How is Lifestyle Medicine working WITH GLP-1 medications? FAQs

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01:03 Anti-Med?
11:37 Prescribing Medications?
12:58 Easy Way Out?
15:37 Is This Safe?
17:23 Are You The Same as Calibrate?

Terra co-founder John Dieser answers a series of questions we have been fielding on our social media accounts and emails surrounding GLP-1 medications and where our service fits into all of this hype. Some main points are - 1)“Lifestyle Medicine” is not anti-med, but rather works in harmony with many medications on the path to controlling one's health independently. 2) Every person has their own health journey and in our programs, some assistance from a medication does not imply someone is taking the easy way out - in fact maybe the opposite. 3) We are not like Calibrate - (or Sequence or Noom), but our model works with the current health care system, patients or employees that are taking this medication but never put together a structured plan around it. 4) Let’s jump into whether these medications are safe. 5) and lastly, lets get out of the fine print (there is a lot of science in how these work and much of it triggers arguments online), and start looking at basics on how these drugs work and how beneficial lifestyle improvements will be along side of them. 
How is Lifestyle Medicine working WITH GLP-1 medications? FAQs
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